An engineering student's perspective on the world, or how to apply logical, experimental problem-solving to everyday problems. Also including a handful of nanotechnology futurism thrown in for good measure.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Sorry State of Science Reporting
Every day on NPR's site, if not also on BBC's, I look through the Science and Technology categories hoping to find something that catches my interest. After all, I am very interested in both science and technology. However, all of the stories filed under the science category are about
a) Swine Flu
b) Climate Change
c) the dubious findings of some pyschological or, at best, neurological study that show humans behave like X because of gene Y that evolved to help our ancestors do Z.
All of the posts filed under Technology are about the iPhone.
The Discovery Channel's lineup reveals similar trends: Animals, The Environment, People vs. the Environment (or is that Man and Wild?), Mythbusters, etc.
The Science Channel (run by the same company) isn't much different, with more focus on Space and manufacturing/construction.
I happen to know that huge, exciting discoveries are being made in the worlds of particle physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, robotics, computing, etc. Why are none of these being documented by the popular media? Surely the same people that figured out how to make popular tv out of the manufacturing processes of everything from chocolate bars to safety pins can make a thrilling show about molecular cars or parallel computing.
The difference between the way I use a pc and the way my grandfather, a retired electrical engineer who spent his career designing and programming computerized test systems, uses a pc is significant. I get things done faster and more efficiently. He knows far more about the inner workings of the computer. He's written programs at the assembler level on punch cards. But I grew up with mouse-based user interfaces and file systems, and they're as natural to me as riding a bike.
If the next generation of children in this country could grow up seeing simulations of molecular structures, interacting with them in games and educational programs, they could develop an innate understanding of nanomechanics. Just as gravity and magnetism are fairly intuitive to beginning physics students, so Van der Waals interactions or very-low-Reynolds number fluid flows could be intuitive for the next generation of engineers and scientists.
Right now, no one is talking about these topics. When nanotechnology is brought up in the news at all, it is usually with either a vague sense of foreboding or an undefined promise of amazing things: "Now with nanotechnology!" We need science journalists who break the trend of reporting on psychology and medicine for the sake of human interest. We need science journalists who will act as translators between scientists and citizens without dumbing down the science of talking over the collective head of society.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Drive-Through National Parks: Cars as Interfaces Between Humans and the Built Environment
I'll spare you the agony of being stuck behind 2 mph crawlers reading about the exploits of the 108th Infantry Division and Logan's Farthest Advance. In my ire (magnified by hunger as our picnic sat untouched in our trunk), I began thinking of cars as an interface between humans and the built environment. They were invented as a means of transportation, which became a lifestyle, and an environment was built to accomodate this lifestyle. The environment was built with the expectation that its users would n0t only have cars, but prefer to stay in their cars as much as possible. What started as an empowering tool soon became a necessity, as car-culture and auto-centric design created a positive feedback loop.
I'm not the first person to notice this by any means. But I'm not trying to publish original research, I'm just writing a blog. My question is this: if this is a desirable architecture (relying on cars as an interface), is the interface designed properly for human interaction? The ipod taught us the value of ergonomic interfaces. Do cars meet the requirements of human-centered design? How about this: are you comfortable interfacing with the world through a car? In practice, most of us are because it's what we know. But in theory, do you like that idea? I don't.
Americans aren't going to stop using cars in the next 10 years. They will continue to interface with their surroundings through them, but I propose that the built environment should offer its users a choice of interfaces. Make them car-, bike-, and pedestrian-friendly (not to mention wheelchairs) . It's been done before, including by Randy Brown at Village Point East, where he put a parking lot in front and a sidewalk leading to the back (or perhaps the other front) from a nearby residential neighborhood. It can be done, and it has been done, and it is being done. I just wish it was a lot more common.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Conceptual Calculus
This breakthrough wouldn't come until I was a freshman in college, taking Calculus I: Differential Calculus with a math teacher who had retired several years before. He spent the first lecture explaining how far the Greeks had gone without ever figuring out how to a) find the slope of a curve at any point and b)find the area inside any shape. He then explained how the Cartesian coordinate system enabled mathematical representations of the shapes with which the Greeks had been fascinated, and then digressed to the topic of limits. Within three or four lectures, we had a secant line of a curve described mathematically, then found the limit as the section of the curve marked off by the secant line approached zero. Before I knew what was happening, we had found what the Greeks in all of the glory only dreamed about. We had taken a derivative! I became so obsessed with the limit definition of a derivative that I wrote it constantly on chalkboards in random classrooms, on every page of my notebook, and possibly on a bathroom stall. . .
The rules that applied to derivatives and made them easy to compute didn't interest me much (except for the chain rule - I was fascinated by the chain rule), but the limit definition opened up the whole world to me. I could now understand Feynman, and the rest of the world. Anything that changed, really. Of course, it takes the fundamental theorem to really put it all together, but that came soon enough.
Now I'm coming to my point. You've already impressed me with your patience, so hold on a little longer. It is my opinion, based on my experience with Feynman, that a truly well-educated person needs an understanding of calculus, at least of differentiation and integration and how they relate to each other. Conventional wisdom says, "most college students can't even pass algebra; if you add calculus to the general education requirements no one will ever graduate." The real difficulty in learning calculus, though, is in remembering the rules and knowing how and when to apply them. Differentiating isn't too bad, but when you get to integration and all of the glorious guesswork involved there, it becomes taxing on even the most intrepid math student. My rebuttal is this: there is no reason for the average well-educated person to be proficient at integrating and differentiating (what one of my math teachers referred to as "computational ability"). In fact, due to the prevalence of computer algebra systems, I would argue it's hardly necessary for engineers to be proficient at any of this, including solving DEs. So, what's left? Merely the concepts.
Conventional wisdom would then say, "you can't learn math without solving problems." Can't you? How many engineering students truly come to an understanding of the Wronskian after finding a dozen pairs of linearly independent solutions to a DE? They merely learn to apply algorithms efficiently, something a computer will always do far better than them. I'm not arguing that engineers shouldn't solve problems, but I'm arguing that business majors, social scientists and the like should be introduced to the concepts of calculus without being expected to solve many problems.
My proposal is this: develop a "Conceptual Calculus" course that covers integration, differentiation and the Fundamental Theorem in a non-computationally-intensive way, to be taught in one semester to non-science majors who have a basic understanding of algebra. This course could (should) then be introduced as part of the core curriculum at universities (or liberal arts colleges, more likely) dedicated to producing well-rounded individuals capable of understanding topics across disciplines.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Portfolio of Passions
One of the videos I watched was Randy Komisar talking at Stanford about finding your passion. His main point was that the question "What is my passion?" will paralyze you, as will the question "What's the end goal?" Instead, he said, you should ask yourself about your "portfolio of passions" and your next step.
With that in mind, I made a list today of my passions. It may not be exhaustive, and it's in no particular order.
1. Science - the scientific method, the scientific community, and the process of creating knowledge.
2. Engineering - designing useful things, especially with a human interaction-centered approach.
3. Nanotechnology
4. Architecture/Urban Planning - a similar concept to 2. but on a much larger scale. The way people interact with their surroundings has an even bigger impact on their lives than the way they interact with their "things."
5. Education - I strongly believe the system (US public schools) is far from ideal. I have no idea how to fix it, but Woodie Flowers has some good ideas. Google him.
6. Post-industrialism - The Information Age is only beginning, my friends. I hope to elaborate greatly on this in the future.
Now I just have to figure out how to synthesize these passions into a meaningful direction. Suggestions appreciated.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Went to ACS nat'l meeting in SLC Sun-Tues. Good meeting. Snowed Mon morning, mountains looked great. Sorry no pictures; no camera.
Angela Belcher (MIT), gave keynote address Sunday pm. Talked about challenges applications of nanoscience, focused on own research engineering nanotubes using bacteriophage viruses as templates. Very straightforward speaker made it clear nanoscale science technology will revolutionize many fields through applications. Nothing we didn't all know, but is nice to hear someone "important" say it. After keynote address, she and Paul Weiss (Penn State, editor-in-chief ACS Nano) participated in panel on careers in chemistry, both spoke of being very satisfied with careers. Dr. Weiss: “I work with some of the smartest people, I choose my own projects, and I get to satisfy my curiosity. This is the best job in the world.” (Forgive errors in quotation from memory, wasn't taking notes). Definitely reminded why I love science. Weiss seems brilliant. Might like to work with him some day.
Heard Nate Lewis give his energy future talk Tues morning, running through energy scenarios quickly analyzing “alternative” solutions, disproving them all. Concludes only solar makes any sense. Brilliant man. Friend Jordan joins his group in summer.
Sat in on Small Chemical Business Symposium Tues pm. Heard George Whitesides (Harvard), Robert Grubbs(Caltech) et al talk about commercializing research. Whitesides talked about local ecosystems supporting entrepreneurship, maybe 6 (Silicon Valley, Hwy 128 in Mass, Austin, Seattle, etc.) I knew they existed, didn't know how important. Should look into. Grubbs, Nobel Laureate, was working on catalyst, commercialized, then commercialized multiple applications of said catalyst. Developed polymer with extraordinary tensile strength, other properties. Should look into. Remembered corollary life goal: join their ranks.
Upcoming: musings on Woodie Flowers, education reform. Maybe more verbose.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Greetings from Salt Lake City
Sunday, March 15, 2009
first post!1
Requisite introductory post goes here:
This blog will host links and musings on things in which I am interested. Specifically, it will focus on applications of engineering (in the broader sense of the term) to modern challenges: from urban planning to industrial design to nanotechnology to virtual reality. It will highlight human-centered design and the intersection of creativity and rigor in problem-solving. It will likely be succinct.
The author reserves the right to modify both the content and the intent of this blog at any time, with or without warning.